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Welcome to my world!

I'm Gaétane, who are YOU?

Hi! This is how it all starts: getting to know each other.

I make website
s (like this one) for nice people (like you, right?) with great projects but no time or energy (or no idea how) to do it on their own and would rather focus on what they are good at.

I love discovering other people's universe and bring it to life online, with a website that naturally speaks for them.

So, what do YOU do? What is YOUR story?

What I do

Building website, branding assessment, copywriting, translating (EN-ES-CAT-FR).
I also edit books, manage projects, teach conversation classes, grow plants, act, dance, hike, am passionate about self-development and eventually want to live closer to nature in a more responsible, shared and sustainable environment (though that's a longer story). 
"Making a website is a big deal." 


YES, if:
- you have no idea - or too many - of what you want to achieve

- you struggle with IT and bugs frustrate you
- you want do it all on your own (and obviously can't)

- you lack creativity or flexibility when facing problems or unexpected setbacks (yes, they do happen)

Building a website can be a lot of work. HOWEVER, relying on an experienced partner makes a HUGE difference.

Forget about the hassle, someone like me actually enjoys this! :)  


What I do

Website building, branding assessment, copywriting, translating (EN-ES-CAT-FR).
I also edit books, manage projects, teach conversation classes, grow plants, act, dance, hike, am passionate about self-development and eventually want to live closer to nature in a more responsible, shared and sustainable environment (though that's a longer story). 

"Making a website is a big deal." 

Yes - and no: it depends (saw it coming, huh?).
It might take forever if you have no idea (or too many) of what you want to achieve, if you struggle with IT and bugs frustrate you, if you want  do it all on your own (but obviously can't), if you lack creativity or flexibility when facing problems or unexpected setbacks (yes, they do happen)...​

To work smoothly and efficiently, these are essentials:

  • Set a goal for your website

  • Define (or refine) the image of your project/company

  • Get a domain name

  • Find the template and the features that best suit your needs

  • Convey a crystal-clear and effective message, using the right tone of voice

  • Find the most accurate look&feel (graphics, photos, colors, fonts and styles)

  • Structure and/or clean up your contents

  • Generate and/or translate your text contents.

  • Train you and your team so you/they are independent.

This is sometimes a whole lot of work and relying on an experienced partner does make a difference: forget about the hastle, someone like me actually enjoy this! :)

Anchor 1

Let's grow together!

ITell me about you, who you are, what you do, about your ideas, your project, your needs, your wishes and your dreams... Let's see how I can help you make them come true!

Give me a call or leave me a message and I'll get back to you. Happy to meet up in person as well if you're in Barcelona!


+34 634 89 57 06

Thanks for submitting!

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